
Monday, October 20, 2014

advil sample

Today i am going to talk about the free Advil sample i received in the mail  from crowdtap. they gave me 8 samples to shear with my family and friends. and also 4 coupons to give out. also sample instructions.
once i received the sample i knew a  couple of people that also has pain like i do. my boyfriend was the first person i gave 2 samples to. he always complains about his headaches. 

the second person i gave the sample to was a friend of mine. she is a new mom like me so i thought why not offer her some Advil cause i know at times i get stress and get headaches from being a new mom. so she must have the same problem. 
last person i gave a Advil sample to was my brother. He came over to come and see my baby and funny thing is when he came over he was telling me about a headache he has had for 3 hours so far. so i gave him 2 samples to help him with his headaches. 
#fastadvil #sponsored 

Monday, October 13, 2014

ragu sample

Hi everyone today i am going to talk about a free smaple  i  recived in the mail  from  the sample that i have received was a coupon for a free jar of ragu of my choice.
once i saw the coupon for a free jar of ragu. i knew that it was time for me to make something new.something that i have never made before. being so excited i though i should try to make my own cration of lasagna. with the traditonal ragu that i have picked for my free sample of invite my mom and her boyfriend to try my yummy i could get her opinion on it. In my family my mom is the best cook so i love getting advise on cooking from maybe one of these days i could be a great cook like her. once she tried it she said she loved it and every one else everyone in my house loved ragu and my boyfriend wants me cook with ragu more often.and i agree with him it's one of the best sauces ever. well thank you everyone for reading hope you have a great day bye #ragusaycemasters #newtradish