lavander essential oil

I recently had the opportunity to sample instanatural lavender essential oil . once i received the package. the smell was so strong like a vics smell. that i could smell the lavender before i opened the package. The strong smell started to hurt my head so i had to let the bottle sit in my guest room that no one is using right now for 3 days. once the smell died down. I really don't know how lavender is suppose to smell like if that's suppose to smell like a vics then the product is great. no matter what i loved the smell it gave me this relaxation i really needed.. it eased my mind and made my body feel relax. i but it in an oil burner that i have at home and used the oil as a aromatherapy.
Now i am going to list some facts and some suggestions how to use the lavender essential oil.
- you can use it as an antioxidant protector
- It's 100%steam distilled lavender officials
- improves sleeping problems
- non toxic
- organic
- you can use it as a air freshener in you bathroom or other rooms
- you can put some in your lotion
- add some in your leave in conditioner
they give a big bottle for the price so you can use all the suggestions i have given you.
if you are interested in purchasing this item here is the link
“I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased feedback.”
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